My mother who is 76.4 has just been diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma. Our local specialist has referred her to Dr. Bartels in Tampa. I have read the Adrian and Sam story and was wondering if I could acquire more information on the surgeon and what to ask/expect. Her appointment is this Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 and I realize this is short notice. We are very nervous and I worry about her recovery due to her age. She is however a very active and young 76. The specialist believes she will need the tumor removed. Her symptoms were very minor and occurred over a long period of time. The loss of hearing in her left ear led her to get a hearing test, which led to a specialist referral, thus an MRI. Thank God! I have been researching like crazy and have checked out many specialists in the state of Florida. I just need more info and reassurance. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Added information:
The tumor is in two lobes, one approx 2 cm and one is 1cm. Location, well, we have her MRI scan and were looking at it and realized we really couldn't tell. We see the tumor, and see it pushing on the cerebellum. Her symptoms have been total hearing loss in her left ear, dysequilibrium, and vomitting which was noticed when she ate too late at night. The vomitting was just recent. There has been no facial discomfort or paralysis as of yet, which leads us to believe the tumor is pushing more south, effecting more of the cochlear nerve area, but again, we are just speculating. She would like to talk to someone in person and have learned of the WTT List. If there is anyone reading this who has a similar case, can you please send me an email so maybe we can set up a chat. Thank you again for your time.