So far, besides friends and family, I have only told a few people at work about my AN. I still have some time before my surgery, so I plan to space the telling out. That way, I'm not bombarded with questions, of "how are you feeling??", and "if there is anything i can do...". Don't get me wrong, EVERYBODY has been very patient, supportive, caring, and generous. I am lucky to have that. But, like some of the others said..... I feel like all I think about is the AN. Almost like I have a neon sign over my head blinking "Brain Tumor" all day. I have not been telling "new" people. Because, sometimes it's nice to talk to people that have no idea and I know they are not thinking...tumor, tumor, tumor, in the back of their minds when looking at me. Also, when I am asked how my week's been, i just reply with "crazy as usual". Most people don't think twice, and then I don't feel like I am lying to everyone.