I didn't fire an AN doctor, but I did fire my oncologist three years ago. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through many many surgeries, including a mastectomy and reconstruction. After all of that, I met the oncologist. I did not feel comfortable with him at all. Basically, he told me I was on my death bed and that I needed to sign up for this trial right away, among many other disheartening things, including "no, you can't record our sessions, you may take me to court someday". He was totally different from the surgical ongologist I just spent two and a half months with and used a small tape recorder everytime I went into his office. Needless to say, I was devastated after I left his office and a friend that was with me felt the same way.
I called a friend of mine who was a physician's assistant just to go over the appt. and she said, "Debra, you know you can fire that doctor, right?" Until she said that, it never crossed my mind. I don't have to have him as my doctor. So...I asked for a different oncologist from my surgeon and he recommeded me to my current oncologist (In the same hospital and same department), which I love. The hospital itself did send me a survey to fill out as to why I was changing providers, but I don't think I ever even filled it out....I had way to many other important things I needed to take care of including chemotherapy.The doctor himself, never contacted me again.
Bottom line is, it is your body, your life, your decision. If you want to change doctors for any reason, then you should and you should not have to explain yourself to anybody. You are making the decision for you and noone else! I say, you made the best decision for you at this time. No need to explain anything else. Pat yourself on the back for making a choice that was in your best interest and never look back.