Hi Kenneth,
I was ready to go home ("sick") the day that i got my diagnosis. That was the end of January. But i had a daughter in daycare so i stuck it out for the rest of the day, my head spinning from the news. It was surreal. I spent the whole weekend on the internet doing research and then back to work on monday. I spent the next few months doing research and meeting with doctors, all the while keeping my 'news' a secret to many of the people in my life - i just needed space to sort it all out. Once i made the decision to have surgery and had a date, i felt better. I did not have any of the nasty symptoms that you mention (only hearing loss and tinnitus) but i sure can't imagine having been at home for a month before surgery... i would have gone crazy with worry and anxiety. And then my surgery date was moved twice, putting it back another 3 weeks. In the end i worked til 5pm on friday and had surgery first thing on monday morning. I was not scared, just anxious to get it behind me and hoping so much that i would be ok after without serious complications.
I also had a CP angle tumor. Mine got pretty big (around 3cm), i guess there was lots of space in there. And very little of it went into the IAC, which i understand was part of the reason that i didnt have any other symptoms.
I hope you can make your way through this without too much more suffering and stress.
Good luck,