When I was first diagnosed my doctors didn't give me any sense of urgency (which from what I have heard on this forum does happen in Canada). The neurosurgeon I consulted told me that eventually I would need surgery, but could have it in a few years time. Well, from what I know now this was wrong, given that my initial MRI report stated a size of 2.4 cm, but back then I didn't realize that. I took what he told me at face value and I really didn't take the situation very seriously. Mistake No. 1, I didn't do my research back then.
I did start to worry when I had a sudden hearing loss a couple of months after my diagnosis. My ENT made me very worried, saying that ANs do not behave this way (wrong again). So, this is when I started to do some research. At the same time I was referred for consultation with the radiooncologists at the GK centre in Toronto. Based on what they told me was that I was a good candidate for GK; they didn't state any concerns about size/location etc. other than the remote possibility of cancer in the long term. Coming back to the original neurosurgeon for the second consult, he said that he would chose radiation and that the radiooncologist had sent a report stating that "he would be happy to go ahead with the GK". Mistake No. 2, I didn't request more consultations. Given this information, I chose to go with GK. It was a terrible time for me to have surgery, both for family reasons and at work. So I scheduled to go ahead with the GK treatment.
Fast forward to the month prior to GK. I get a much delayed second MRI and this time I look at it myself. To my dismay I realize that the size was significantly bigger than the original report (about 2.9 cm). Initially I thought that it is some wacky growth, but then went back, requested the original MRI disk (mistake No. 3, I didn't have a copy). I looked at it and figured out that the original radiologist report was wrong. I could also definately see the distortion that the AN was causing. To top it all up, the doctors held a conference a couple of days before my scheduled treatment, and a couple of them came back with some concerns about the size/distortion etc. and suggesting that maybe I should do some more consultations. In the meantime I had organized everything, brought my mom from Europe to help with the kids etc. Eventually I went ahead with GK as originally planned, which I would have probably done anyway (you know the gut feeling thing), but for sure this last week prior to treatment was the most stressful one of my life.
So, even though I had initially "browsed" through the diagnosis and the decision stages, at the last minute it felt like it was the first time I really realized what I was facing - like a "delayed" diagnosis.
I am saying all this to point out that I also didn't feel anxiety initially, but for the wrong reasons. I think that you are very well informed and know exactly what you have to deal with, so when the time comes you will know it and will make the right decision.