I'm receiving similar treatement at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia for a small (<1cm) AN on my left side. Novalis Brain Lab, 26 treatments. My docs call it fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (FSR).
I have 3 treatments to go -- very manageable side effects (minor dizziness, nausea early on, some fatigue/headache that seem totally related to the overall level of stress in my day). No hair loss. No real tumor swelling at this point, at least.
The overall stats quoted to me were very favorable (90%+ tumor control). My doctor recommend FSR over GK to increase the odds of retaining my hearing -- which is still good.
It has been somewhat difficult to have so long a course of treatment, but now that I am near the end, I'm very glad I made the choices I did. Of course, won't really know until I have had several MRIs as follow up.
Good luck with your treatment.