A month ago I was diagnosed with an AN 4x5mm in the left ear.Before diagnosis went to ENT due to severe a.m. vertigo that was lasting 30 min. to an hour and then no problems for the rest of the day.Also had what felt like a sinus infection, but the symptoms would come and go so was confusing.Hearing test and balance tests came out normal.Dr. thought it might be a viral infection, but he wanted me to have a MRI just in case it was something else.So it was.The specialist I went to said since I do not have any hearing loss and the tumor is small, it should be watched at this point.He attributed the vertigo to migraine headaches without the headache.Seemed possible since I have a history of mh.No more vertigo at this point, but the "sinus infection like" stuff is hanging on (still comes and goes).It consists of facial pain on the left side, earache, feeling of fluid in the ear (Dr. checked and said no), and headaches which could very well be migraines.I also feel very tired and can hardly get up in the morning (could be depression I suppose).I am miserable and confused to say the least.Going to the ENT tomorrow to see if I have a sinus infection or indeed a viral infection not in relation to the AN.I have been under a lot of stress, even before the diagnosis, and I also have bipolar disorder.My mood is going down hill, and this is troubling to me since I have had the bipolar under control for many years.It seems that since the tumor is so small, and I have no hearing loss, is it possible that I am just having a "mental" reaction?Has anyone out there experienced anything like this upon being first diagnosed?I feel like I'm going crazy and since I have a mental illness, I don't know what is what.Are my symptoms real or is it in my head (Ha!!!)?Thanks for listening.