Author Topic: surgery date!!!  (Read 4677 times)


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2008, 10:35:17 am »
they did indeed just put in the newest version of the cyberknife at bmc.  dr. chin is a very experienced radiosurgeon and has written a book on the subject.  he feels as well as i do that radiation is not a good option to start because i have so many symptoms, but if in fact i need follow up radiation i will be getting the best on the market!! 

as far as my fears on anasthesia, i have been under before but for small times only.  i just really hate that feeling of no time passing.  i feel like it is "stolen" time.  i guess i could be upset about far scarier things...and i have to freak out about something or i will start thinking about those scarier things!  ah well...this is not a little thing and freaking out a bit is normal.  and this is a good place to have found.

i will try to make the brunch.  sounds good to meet others with the same experience.

today and yesterday have been not so good.  my face is REALLY numb and the tinnitus is about to make me ear feels so full i want to stick a knitting needle in there and pop the damn thing!!!  (oh if it were only that easy) and my balance has been so off....i fell over putting on my shoes!!!  oh boy.

i am so looking forward to the surgery and being on the getting well side of things instead of the being sick side!! 

people think i am nuts to look forward to brain surgery...but i jut want the damn thing out of my head and to stop hurting me!

thanks again for everyones great words of encouragement....glad we have this club...even if its not a nice price to pay to belong ;)

"when you reach the end of the rainbow there's always another color!"
finally diagnosed 8/08
retro surgery scheduled nov. 17 at boston medical
there is a tennis ball in my ear!! at least it feels like it.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2008, 11:11:25 am »
Carrie and Amy,

Good luck to both of you!  We'll all have to double up on our prayers and good wishes that day, but I don't think that'll be a problem!  Plenty to go around!

Carrie, the anaesthesia shouldn't be too bad.  I remember having surgery back when I was in high school and I got sooooo sick from the anaesthesia.  When I have had to have it for anything recently, I make sure to tell the anaesthesiologist my concerns, and I haven't had one problem since.  Things are a lot different now than they were when I was in high school.  I've always told them I could deal with pain, but I can't deal with throwing up.  They assure me that they will make sure I don't have to deal with either.  I usually request IV Zofran, which is an anti-nausea drug they give to chemo patients and it works very well.  They can also use IV phenergan or a patch that goes behind your ear (your good ear in this case!).  Just tell them and they'll do everything they can to prevent any problems.

And on the bright side, it'll probably be the best rest you've gotten in a long time!  I know it was for me!

Oh, and put down the knitting needle.

Right 3cm AN diagnosed 1/2007.  Translab resection 2/20/07 by Dr. David Kaylie and Dr. Karl Hampf at Baptist Hospital in Nashville.  R side deafness, facial nerve paralysis.  Tarsorraphy and tear duct cauterization 5/2007.  BAHA implant 11/8/07. 7-12 nerve jump 9/26/08.

Jim Scott

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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2008, 01:01:39 pm »
Hi, Carrie:

Belated congratulations on having a surgery date!  I realize this is sort of a double-edged sword because you've definitely moved forward and will have the tumor removed - a good thing - but the actual surgery and, for you, the qualms regarding anesthesia after-effects are not-so-good. 

FWIW: I had the 'retrosigmoid approach' surgery and it was both successful and complication-free.  Of course, your mileage may vary.  ;)

I was under the anesthesia for almost nine (9) hours.  I was borderline-nauseous afterward (no appetite and the smell of food made me feel ill) but that passed after about 48 hours.  Actually, the lady I called Nurse Rachet (behind her back) refused leave the room unless I ate something from the tray of near-inedible hospital food she placed before me.  I ate, she left, my appetite began to return  and it was all good from there.  I was discharged a few days later and 'celebrated' by sharing a pancake brunch with my wife and (adult) son on the way home.  I had a mild headache immediately after waking up from the anesthesia-induced sleep but that passed by the following day.  As for 'missing' the time spent under the influence of the anesthesia: don't be concerned.  You won't really notice it because time becomes distorted when you're in the hospital having brain surgery.  No routine to follow and one can hardly tell daytime from night in some instances.  You're in good hands and I think you'll do fine.  :)

I've taken the liberty of adding your surgery date to the AN Treatment calendar.


4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2008, 01:14:19 pm »
thanks jim!
i am anxiously awaiting the arm and leg trainers and new swimsuit so i can get back in the water and start practicing my balance for a speedier recovery!!  doc said i can workout in the water after surgery too as long as i dont get my head wet.  i was in the water everyday before i had ear issues and now having the all clear i ordered some fun new toys to motivate me!  hopefully i can focus on fun swimming and not worry about anasthesia.  and have an easier recovery from balance practice.  i guess we all need to worry about something and i have focused on i am going to refocus on swimming.  i hope i have the same experience as you had and will be too disoriented in general to feel that uncomfortable loss of time.  i'm also trying to schedule new tattoo time so i willl have a wanted scar to go along with the unwanted one.  although a scar on my head is pretty badass  ;D

thanks for adding my to the calender...keep you all posted.  in the meantime just trying to laugh, have fun, and feel pretty despite the freeloader in my skull!! 

"when you reach the end of the rainbow there's always another color!"
finally diagnosed 8/08
retro surgery scheduled nov. 17 at boston medical
there is a tennis ball in my ear!! at least it feels like it.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2008, 03:22:45 pm »
Good Luck Carrie,

I agree with Lori, it is the best sleep ever and the drugs have changed.  I've had three surgeries in the past few years where I've been put under and I never felt any nausea upon waking.  Of course that was one of my greatest fears because as a kid and in my early 20's I was put under for a few minor surgeries and I was sicker than a dog :(  When I had my tubes tied in 1993 I was sick for days, every 15-20 minutes.  It was terrible!  My husband had the nerve after being home an hour or so and continuous vomiting, to tell me that I didn't look too good.  He said I was kind of green.  He's dam lucky I didn't grab the butcher knife and perform the snip-snip.

Now for that freeloader in your brain that's a good one.....I only have family as freeloaders for holiday dinners!!! ;)

Take care and good luck,
Anne Marie
Sept 8/06 Translab
Post surgical headaches, hemifacial spasms and a scar neuroma. 
Our we having fun YET!!! 
Watch & Wait for more fun & games


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2008, 06:59:04 pm »
Yes, I also weirdly looked forward to surgery, or rather, being done with the surgery and starting recovery.
3cmx4cm trigeminal neuroma, involved all the facial nerves, dx July 8, 2008, tx July 22, 2008, home on July 24, 2008. Amazing care at University Hospitals in Cleveland.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2008, 06:14:34 am »
So glad you have your surgery date, it must be nice not thinking about the decision. Sounds like you are in great hands in Boston, that is where my doctors are also and I feel very confident with them (Mass Gen/MEEI).  We are lucky to be near such a awesome medical mecca. I am leaning toward surgery as well due to my symptoms, I can barely stand the ear pressure so we will see at the end of Oct what the new MRI says.  Good luck carrie.
Diagnosed 6/2008
Right AN 2cmx8x9
Sub-Occipital at Mass General with Martusa and McKenna on 5/31/11
Right SSD, very little taste
I think I will make it!

Nancy Drew

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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2008, 11:30:16 am »
Carrie, Amy and Cheri,

Congrats on making your decision.  Getting to the decision felt like torture to me, but now that it is out of the way I can breathe a sigh of relief.  I have my GK in two weeks, and I have been waiting for four weeks now.  I am definitely getting a lesson in patience.  It is important to keep busy--my closets are so clean!  But, I must admit that I have my moments when I feel my mind overflowing with anxiety.  I just try to tell myself that whatever emotions come up are normal in a situation like this.  It's not every day that one has to worry with having a brain tumor removed, or in my case radiated.

I have had anesthesia several times, and I can tell you this much.  I have bad insomnia, and I have actually looked forward to having anesthesia just because it makes going to sleep so effortless.  Of course, I have never been out for more than an hour so I can't relate to the amount of time you will be down under.  I haven't ever had any real problems with anesthesia, but like it has been mentioned here by many, it is different with everyone.  Easy for me to say, but I hope you can take it one step at a time.  At the end of the day, I just think--one more day out of the way.

I wish all of you the best.  Looking forward to seeing positive updates here on the board.


12/05 AN diagnosed left ear 4.5mm
06/08 6mm
Gamma Knife 10/21/08
1 year MRI  6.8mm x 5.5mm
2 year MRI  5.9mm x 4.9mm
3 year MRI  6.5mm x 6.0mm 
Slight Hearing Loss Post GK

Swedish Gamma Knife Center
Englewood, CO
Dr. Robert Feehs


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2008, 03:50:33 pm »

Yep, we are on the countdown.  I too am excited and looking forward to brain sugery so we can be on the road to recovery.  Everyone had great suggestions about anesthesia.  I am a surgery nurse, so I help put people asleep and wake them up everyday.  Anesthesia affects everyone differently.  The medications used now have come a long way to reduce nausea (the number one effect).  You can always ask for something ahead of surgery when talking to the anesthesiologist.  Some give it routinely.  You won't have a sense of passed time.  You may have a sore throat for a day or 2 from the breathing tube (which you probably won't ever remember being there), but some people wake up without a sore throat.  If you have never been put to sleep, the anesthesiologist will ask you if any of your family members have ever had trouble with anesthesia.  What they are looking for are major problems like heart attack, unexplained HIGH fever up to 48 hours post-op, death durging surgery, etc.  If you haven't heard anything like that, then your family history is most likely fine.  It doesn't hurt to ask a few relatives (blood-related of course) if they know of anything.  Even though anesthesia has it's risks (so doesn driving a car), they are very low.  Have no fear....we will fly right through this day....

Take care,
Amy :)
Left side 1.7 cm AN diagnosed 7/30/08
Misdiagnosed for 8 + years
Surgery, Sub-occipital, 11/17/2008 at Indiana University Hospital
Left SSD
Tumor much larger than expected. Facial nerves intact, but had RARE swelling resulting in brachial plexus injury and tracheostomy after surgery.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2008, 02:18:35 pm »
Wishing you all the best!  My surgery is tomorrow and I too am MORE THAN READY to have this thing removed - my ear feels SO full this week it's feels like it is ready to implode!  Good luck to you and all the others with upcoming surgeries :)  ((((HUGS))))
- Oct. 16/08 - 12 hour 'blob-ectomy' at LHSC in London, ON - Dr. Lownie and Parnes
- Some internal facial numbness (cheek, tongue, eye), SSD, headaches (getting better), dry eye, some balance issues..... but othwise AWESOME!


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2008, 03:05:59 pm »
I'm sending good thoughts your way.  I know you will be just fine.
3cmx4cm trigeminal neuroma, involved all the facial nerves, dx July 8, 2008, tx July 22, 2008, home on July 24, 2008. Amazing care at University Hospitals in Cleveland.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2008, 05:49:31 pm »

Woo hoo Carrie!

You are on the calendar!  I am very close to deciding where I am going to have mine-have talked to Houston and Arizona and both can arrange for the first part of December.  I know you will be relieved that you are done with the waiting.  Good luck and keep positive thoughts.  The decision and date are the hardest part, I think.

Diagnosed  left AN 8/07/08, 1.9 CM
Surgery 12/10/08 at Methodist Hospital w/Vrabec and Trask for what turned out to be a cpa meningioma.


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Re: surgery date!!!
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2008, 08:56:29 pm »

Haven't been on the thread in a while.... hoping you a wonderful recovery and please post a little when you can to let us know how things are going.

Take care,
Amy :)
Left side 1.7 cm AN diagnosed 7/30/08
Misdiagnosed for 8 + years
Surgery, Sub-occipital, 11/17/2008 at Indiana University Hospital
Left SSD
Tumor much larger than expected. Facial nerves intact, but had RARE swelling resulting in brachial plexus injury and tracheostomy after surgery.