I had a sinking feeling when I saw the 'new post' icon and your name on the line that this might be bad news. Unfortunately, my fears were fulfilled when I read it. My condolences to Kelly's family and especially to your daughter, who must be devastated by the death of a friend at age 12. The last words of Kelly definitely brought tears to my eyes. I won't pretend to truly understand what Kelly's family is going through but my heart goes out to everyone involved.
I had a childhood friend die when I was eight years old. Long story I won't bother to relate but it could have been me. I still think about him now, some 57 years later and have visited his grave. I wasn't allowed to attend the funeral then but I've carried the little guy in my memory all these years. Your daughter will likely do the same for her departed friend, Kelly.
As others have stated and you probably already knew, this is a traumatizing event in your daughter's life and you'll need to do whatever you can to reassure her. I won't presume to tell you exactly how to do that as every parent knows their child so much better than anyone else, especially one who hasn't met her. I'm sure you'll answer her questions and let her know that her friend, at 12, will be in heaven. Personally, I believe that God has a purpose for everything and a plan for our lives. I also truly believe the old cliché 'she's in a better place'. The fact that Kelly's family had their precious child for 12 years has to be some comfort to them. They'll never, ever forget her. Your daughter won't, either. That memory is what we cling to and I believe is God's way of helping us grieve and then, go on.
God bless Kelly's family and your bereaved daughter.