Hello everyone,
Just a quick introduction, My name is catherine and I am 43 years old, I am from the south coast in England and was diagnosed with a 1.5 cm AN in Jan 08. This was the first site I found, it was a tremendous help. Somtimes I was scared about what I read but mostly I was encouraged. I would like to thank you all for your contributions. It's hard to explain but it's like dipping into a load of friends who don't even know you are there but give you support anyway.
I was worried about what treatment to have, It was if being diagnosed was not enough but having to choose seemed to much. I had decided in my heart on the trans lab approach (hearing loss in AN side and also tinintus kicked in after MRI scan) when I saw the surgeon this was the approach she recommended, so there was no worrying about what to choose as apart from 'wait and watch' there was no other choice. I was so pleased that it had been taken out of my hands.
I was treated with the NHS in a special neurological hospital, the care I received was outstanding and I felt in very safe hands as the surgeons do 70 AN operations a year. In the UK we cannot choose our surgeons or where to get treated. I feel very lucky living only 30 miles from this hospital.
When I came around after the op, I realised I could close my eyes and smile. I felf so sick for 3 days ( this was the anesthetic) The doctors said I had a little weakness in my face. Everyday I checked that I could smile and close my eye. I was in hospital one week, the staples were removed after six days, the removal was painless. The first week home I slept and slept and my husband cared for me. After a week, started going for little walks, and had a huge appetite.
Now it's 5 weeks later :When I now look in the mirror my smile is only a little uneven, and my AN side eye looks bigger than the other, but I can live with that. Also for the last 4 weeks half of my scull has been numb, it's now starting to get feeling back. My balance is not to bad, if I go out on my own I take a stick, to steady me just in case. 2 weeks ago I thought I had a CSF leak, as a clear liquid was only slightly coming out of one nostril, I called the hospital who advised me to come the next day, the doctor did not think it was.
I was just thinking the other day that I was getting through this way to easy, I am on no medication now, apart from the odd paracetoma and ibuprofen and my tinnitus is quieter. But 4 days ago I started to have a new problem ,I have is a terribe pain behind my ear at the top of the neck. It is just awful when I'm in bed and moving my head, it is effecting my sleep, the doctor says it is the muscles they would have had to cut through. Has anybody had this?
I just wanted to share my experience with you all and thank you again. You were and still are great help.
I hope now I can help newbies to.