Hi Amy,
An EMG is an electromelogram - a test that gives important information about the health and functioning of the nerves and muscles in the face (or other areas of the body). It is performed by a neurologist specially trained in this procedure. I had mine done at St. Michaels Hopital in Toronto.
I had two tests, a Nerve Conduction Test, when they stick small surfave electrodes to your face. The nerves are stimulated with a small electric impulses.
Then the EMG, where they insert very fine needles just under the skin in four places (your chin, cheek, near eye, and forhead) {this did not hurt at all - just a tiny bit uncomfortable). Then you will be asked to relax and then contract the muscle benealth the needle. Recodings are made of the nerve and muscle activity in that area. The tests takes about 30 minutes.
I had this test done at six weeks post op and NOTHING - not a thing showed up. I was completely devasted UNTIL I found out
it is only a snap shot in time meaning that, if no movement shows up it doesn't necessarily mean that movement will never come (unless of course you know for sure your nerve was cut during surgery). At four months post op I have a small bit of movement that has returned, around my lip and near my nose so I am hoping that is a good sign for more recovery. I will have another EMG in October and really I need to remind myself IT IS ONLY A SNAP SHOT IN TIME - DON'T STRESS! it was hard when the doctor looked at me and said "Nope nothing sorry" just like that... I remember thinking later you could sure learn some social skills buddy..
Good luck you will be fine. Keep in touch.