Wow, really, this is a lot to wrap your head around! (Please excuse the bad pun).
After finding out I have an AN, and that the radiologist MISSED IT ON THE MRI 18 months ago, I've been researching and learning as much as I can. Thanks to this great place, I have TONS of info and knowledge!
I sent off my MRI and hearing tests to House (again learned through you guys) and heard back from them this week. They think it is an AN, but there is a chance that it is a facial nerve neuroma, due to my facial weakness/temporary paralysis last year that only lasted two weeks. Um, okay, not great news on that, but moving forward...
Wednesday I had an appointment with a neurotologist at the University of Utah, who also said it looks like an AN, BUT there is a chance that it could be a facial nerve neuroma. CRAP. That means my facial nerve would be gone, and they would have to do a nerve graft. CRAP CRAP CRAP.
I have an appointment with the neurologist on the 15th of this month, and we will try to schedule surgery at that time. Unfortunately, they won't know for sure if it is a facial nerve neuroma or an acoustic neuroma until they are in there. So I won't know until I wake up after surgery what the outcome is.
Sorry, just a bit of a pity party going today. I'm trying to not let this bother me too much, but dang. My husband and I are now jokijng that we wouldn't have believed we would be praying for an acoustic neuroma, LOL!
I know I can come here and vent. I'm trying to be "strong" and not show how incredibly scared I am of this whole thing. To be perfectly honest, I am so close to a freakout meltdown, I'm just taking it one day at a time. Thanks so much for listening to my pity party.