Thank you for the soothing words, dear wendy!!
since i promised to keep you all updated, here is my latest update!
today i went to the bank to deposit the last sum of money my coworkers have gathered and to finally see how things with my account are.
We had to count all the banknotes on the counter - imagine us with piles of notes counting all of them manually!!

Finaly, we deposited them and after that i asked for a sheet of all the transactions from the opening of the account till now. Since i have three accounts - one in EURO, one in USD and one in LEVA (the national currency of Bulgaria) i asked for three sheets.
I was very disappointed to see that my cousin's money from US hadn't arrived and since it was a really substantial part i did not have all the money necessary for my surgery in Hannover. In the time of my disappointment, one of my coworkers noticed that the two sums of money on both of the sheets for USD differ from one another.
Then we asked the girl on the counter and she checked the status of the bank accounts again - it turned out that my cousin's money came in the time of 20 sec when the girl on the counter was switching between my three bank accounts!
I was so pleasantly surprised!!!
Hope this is a good sign from fate!!
Now i feel equipped to depart on Sunday!!