Hooray for David and Daughter!! Congratulations on a job well done. Next you can come up here and get on a team for the Hood to Coast relay held every August. Or you can organize your own team and call it Dads and Daughters and find some other dad/daughter combos to get in on it with you! See, I'm good at thinking up ideas for other people!
http://www.hoodtocoast.com/Our son was a participant when he was on the track team at his high school. They had an awesome coach who really encouraged everyone so well, that he talked our son (also a David) into doing that for 3 straight years. He said he will never do it again, though!!
And the thing was, my husband and I volunteered to help out for two of the races. We were talking about that one day recently, probably when the last Hood to Coast was going on. We went up to the boondocks and were there all night long directing runners to the right road. I mean, until sunrise! Egad, what were we thinking?? Actually, I think somebody was supposed to relieve us, and they never showed up. But this was back in about 1990, so we were younger and stronger and dumber, I guess! Still, it was fun to be a part of this large undertaking that happens here every year.
Sue, a little older, a little wiser, in Vancouver USA