Okay so I am slacking sorry.. update time... I went for facial therapy and Joanne is awesome. I have been waiting to see her until I got some movement. I have a wee blink and a tiny bit of movement near my mouth and nose. Soooo I have exercises to strenghten these areas. I do not have movement in my forehead or cheek so we are waiting for nature to take its course and
then concentrate on those areas.
Oh and I live north of Toronto so I am going to try something called telehealth at my local hospital. I sit in front of a monitor (at my hospital) and Joanne sits in front of a monitor (at her hospital) and visits and retraining are done this way. YIPPEEE no more long driving for a visit. Although between you and me I would drive all day to see her and get things on track, but I don't have to.
So today I went for an EMG (wee needles in your face to see if the nerve responds to stimulation) and as you know I have movement around my mouth and nose, well the nerve did not respond in that area - I am thinking "okay this is weird". He explained that the nerve from my good side has grown over and helping out.
Whatever I don't understand but who am I to question. The forehead - nothing. The eye has started to regenerate (hense the tiny blink). Yeah!!!!!!!! Could take months before I have full recovery in the eye back (if it does fully recover) so I went to see a facial plastic surgeon and I am having a thin platinium internal weight put in and a tightening of the lower lid that is sagging a bit (it is tired of hanging around without support). All that under a local and in one hour, I waited WHY? Honestly I was holding out for recovery of my eye, I am too tired of the dumb eye. Oh and he said he was not sure if my eye is dry because it is exposed all of the time or the tear gland has shut down. Either way this will really help.
I want to get it all organized because I was offered a full time job in kindergarten to start in January. Did I tell you the greater universe is taking care of me.
Oh and Trish please PM me if you are interested in any contact numbers in regards to facial retraining or the facial plastic surgeon (in TO) - I will help in any way I can.