Author Topic: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????  (Read 3295 times)


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how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« on: January 19, 2006, 12:10:26 pm »
   I have been diagnosed with AN and didn't think too much about it during the holidays.  I now want to make a decision about which treament will be best for  me.  I have talked to a neurosurgeon, and to radiologist.  I understand the risks of both, and at my age and the "small" size of the tumor, either option "is good for me"... but how do you choose.  I was sure I was going to choose radiation.  the thought of surgery scares me. ...but as I thought, do I want this tumor in me at all, then I considered surgery again???   I am so confused... I wish someone could help me make this decision....I want to know that I picked the right option.  I have a terrible ringing, and maybe, as I have read on others posting, the pain is caused by  the cold winter weather.. I want to know if I have surgery or radiation, is this pain and constant pulsing in my ear/head going to go away....or is this one of the  forever going to happen issues..  I know that everyone is different and that everyone comes out of surgery and radiation with different experiences.. how did you make a decision as to which is best for you??????  any advise  ... I would appreciate it, cheryl


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 02:14:02 pm »
Cheryl, Work in steps......get information from compassionate, learned people about all of the options that are available for your general state of health and type of tumor you have.  As you investigate and consult, you will get a gut feeling about what you need.  I emphasize get information from doctors who give you good feelings and that they are not letting their own egos come into your mind. 

Once you start to lean one way or the other, look for "good news" posts that help you get over your fears. 

After you have made a choice, announce it to others.  Confirmation, affirmation, and peace will carry you forward from there.

Both surgery and radiation work. 



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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 03:30:28 pm »

Agree with Boppie. There are some very good posts in this site and there are some terrific and encouraging stories. Both options have their risk. What seems to be a major hurdle to overcome is that once you make a decision as to surgery, radiation or watch and wait - which is also an option, then stick to it and don't look back.

2.0cm AN removed Nov 2002.
Dr Chang St Vincents, Sydney
Australia. Regrowth discovered
Nov 2005. Watch and wait until 2010 when I had radiotherapy. 20% shrinkage and no change since - You beauty
Chronologer of the PBW


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 06:40:36 pm »
That was great advice and very encouraging!
You are in my thoughts and prayers as you research and decide. Once I decided, I felt a relief. I researched and researched and I found a doctor I had complete confidence in.
Just remember there are sucess stories for each method. I agree with Boppie. When you announcce your decision to others stand firm and confident.
Take care and keep us posted,


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 10:50:52 pm »
Hi Cheryl, the ringing in your ear probably won't stop regardless of treatment, it may, but probably not. I only know from reading all the outcomes I have, since my neuroma is not acoustic I don't have tinnitus. But I did have ear and haeadaches. I can't speak for surgery, but after CyberKnife, the pain has been gone for me.
CyberKnife radiosurgery at Barrow Neurological Institute; 2.3 cm lower cranial nerve schwannoma


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2006, 06:06:11 am »
Dear Cheryl

When I made my decicion between surgery or GK the main things in favour of GK for me were the fact that I still have
some useful hearing in my right ear which would have been lost with surgery  I also work with the public all the time and what I look like is very important since mine is the face people see when they walk into our Photographic Studio and I am the person who talks to them and puts them at ease before their photo shoot and of course smiling is a big part of
this process . The possibility of temporary or even permanent facial paralysis (more likely with surgery )was also a deciding factor as well as the fairly long recovery period after .  You can be lucky and have none of these after effects after surgery
but the hearing would be gone . The advantage is that the tumour is gone (hopefully for good). With GK and other
radiation treatments time will tell if they have worked .  I am still happy with my choice 9 months after GK but there is
a feeling " Is that It ?" since it all seems just too easy and painless to have worked . Time will tell as my next MRI scan
is in one years time .   Only you can make the decicion but consider yourself lucky that you have choices because your tumour is small enough for all the options . In all cases it is important that your surgeon is experienced and specialises in AN surgery and the same applies to radiation treatment centres make sure they have years of experience dealing with ANs.
Only you can make the final decicion and I wish you luck with whatever your choice will be .

Best regards KAT

2.2 cm AN diagnosed July 2004 . GK at  the Royal Hallamshire
Sheffield UK in April 2005 2nd MRI in December 06 showed signs of the AN shrinking and MRI in FEB 08 showed no change . SO FAR SO GOOD .


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2006, 09:13:04 am »
Thank you all for your insight in this decision making process.  I have seen a good doctors and the radiation/oncologist .  Both are competant and  have had much experience with AN :) that is a good thing and bad as I like them both and both offer good insight, advice and information. I would feel confident with either doctor.    I am going to write the pro/con for me down and after I see the oncologist next week weigh it all and make my decision. I want to move on this and take care of I don't dwell for months and months.  I think this has been a wonderful site for me.  Seeing what other's have experienced and how the outcome has been is enlightening to me.  I think it has helped me just to read the stories and even though I am at the beginning of this journey, I feel support from hearing others experiences.   I didn't really think this was a "big problem " for me until the other day  when I sat down and said, " I have to make a decison and this Tumor has and will effect my life forever.  then I got scared. I  found this site and it has opened my mind to reality and that is a good thing for me.   So thank you.  Once I make a decision, I will post it.  thanks again, Cheryl


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2006, 10:03:16 am »
I changed my mind several times during my decision. I had scheduled surgery and then dropped it, did it again. I ruled out any form of radiation. When it got down to the real thing I made a chart with all of the outcomes I wanted. Then crossed out the ones I knew would not be probable. I didn't have hearing to save. However, the thought did cross my mind, "what if they should find something in the near future that could help or what if it would come back". I went to cyberknife patient support site and contacted some of the doctors. Ultamately I went to a neuro surgeon that does both. She did not push me to any decision. All options were open to me. I am not good with decisions. I can't even decide what to have for dinner.

During the course of the conversation with the NR I ask if she had an AN what would she do. She said she would look seriously at CK and keep an open mind. I said I was concerned about control and later mutating cells from the tumor that caused cancer. She said they quote the figure at 1:000 for that the transformation because they need a number.  However, there have only been about 5 to 6 cases of the happening world wide from any radiation treatment for AN. As for the control rate she said is bout equal to surgery for small AN's and is looking better all of the time.  I have had the tumor for several years and did not know it. There are lots of people out there leading very normal lives and don't know they have them. After a certain period of time this will not consume my thought as it does now. I went on the internet and found people that had radiation as far back as 20 years and are still doing well and leading normal lives. Same with surgery. I am a confirmed coward and could just not do the surgery even though I had complete faith in Dr. Brackmann and HEI.

The NS also said she used to the a firm belierver in only surgery and both she and the NS that are sharing an office are going more and more to radiaion. This is not your parents radiation. A surgeon is is surgeon, they don't research or care about radiation. A radiation person does not care about surgery. If you  have someone who does both then they don't like to reccomend you have one or the other. I had CK done starting 1/5/06. I am doing well, noise in my ear has changed it is louder at times and not there sometimes. Was always there before. The fullness in the AN ear is gone. Balance has changed. Was not good before. Now just different. Even my neurotologist that treats my AIED and was so opposed did admit to me that my balance will improve. This is not the thing he quoted to me when I was making the decision.

I am working, driving, laughting and still worried about what the future holds for me. I get better day by day about the worry. My friends that had surgery still worry about a little piece being left there. This changes us in ways others can not imagine and even saying it is not cancer does not make the difference. It is serious, life changing and. When you research keep the research to recent papers and forget what was written 10 years ago. Remember any reasearch can be twisted to suit the need. Prey, ask questions, and don't be afraid to change your mind a couple of times. If you didn't thin to much about it during the holidays maybe that is a clue as to how you would feel with CK or GK or what ever. I am not a patient person.

Cyberknife 1/2006
Clinton Medbery III & Mary K. Gumerlock
St Anthony's Hospital
Oklahoma City, OK
Name of Tumor: Ivan (may he rest in peace)


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2006, 05:16:32 pm »
I am 45 years old and had small tumor. Both radiation and surgery were options for me.

I had decided on radiation at Barrrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix but decided to get another (3rd) opinion. I went to House Ear Clinic. After the visit to House, I decided that I would have middle fossa surgery. My decision was based on the fact that no matter which way I went (surgery or radiation), I wanted to be in the best hands. House won out.

I had most of my hearing but went deaf from surgery otherwise no major problems. Surgery was at the end of October and I am pretty much back to my new normal.

5mm by 8mm


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2006, 08:41:56 pm »
Cheryl: Coming to this decision is a very personal one and what is best is up to you. When my orginal tumr was found there was no time for decisions and it was essentially made for me (too big to wait for anything or have radiation). When it came to the regrowth I stayed in the "watch and wait" mode for 5 years until I finished having children and they got of an age that my husband would be able to cope alone for a while...during that time I did a lot of reading and determined radiation was not for me !. I had already lost hearing, balance and facial nerves the first time and 2. like yourself I did not like having IT in there. Because of this I determined surgery was the route for me the second time around. I say that if gamma knife was available to me the first time and the tumor was small enough to have it I would have likely gone that way, it would have saved my face anyway and all the surgeries I've undergone to regain my facial tone and some movement, the loss of hearing doesn't really bother me so much anymore (15 years post-op).
In the end the regrowth was surgically removed only because of my psychological well-being, I couldn't go on with the anxiety and fear anymore.
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)


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Re: how do you make the decision betw. Surgery and radiation????
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2006, 02:05:03 pm »

Having just made this decision I can confirm that 1) this is a very personal decision and 2) once you have made a decision that fits your circumstances that you will feel more at peace. 

There are so many factors that go into such a life-changing decision, but if you gather enough information from knowledgeable, objective medical sources and from those who have walked down the paths you might take, you will find the answer and it will be comfortable like an old pair of shoes.  I will tell you that the decision-making will cause you to take an introspective journey as well, examining what is important in your life and what you can and cannot live with.  And by all means, be honest with yourself!  It is not about what others want for you or think you should want.  You must live with the result. 

Best of luck and may you find the peace of the right decision for you!

1cm x 2cm, Left side -Translab
Drs. Vrabec & Trask - Jan '06
Houston, TX
Excellent Results!!!