Hi Tony,
Welcome to this forum. You will find this forum offers a wealth of information, compassion and support. We all understand the fear that the AN diagnosis causes, we've all been there. It's not unusual to be scared to death when you get the news that you have an AN -- probably most of us were. It is also not the end of the world since they are benign and very treatable. As many have said your tumor is small so you may have the option of radiosurgery or osurgery unless the location dictates surgery.
It's important that you're sure you understand all options. Make sure your choice is based on what you want to do and not what someones else says you have to do. Being comfortable with your choice is an important/essential part of the decision making process. The fact that we have so many treatment options is part of what makes this thing so difficult. I was very llucky my ENT sent me to see my neurotologist. He is a wonderful doctor and was very supportive from the start. Even though I didn't know what treatment choice I was going to make, he gave me his e-mail address at my initial consultation. He did not recommend any treatment over the other, even though he only does surgery. He also encouraged me to make an informed decision by getting other opinions and doing research, and subsequently answered over 100 questions (no kidding) during my decision making process. Everyone here has been wonderful too and I don't think I could have gotten through this as well without them.
My AN was also 2cm and I chose surgery for many reasons and have been pretty happy with my outcome. Many people are just as happy with radiosurgery. My surgeons were wonderful and I had complete faith in them. Although I am SSD, this was expected at the time of my surgery (I had the translabrinthine approach) I have no facial issues and some balance problems that are improving. I am very hopeful that most, if not all of my balance issues will eventually resolve. According to my neurotologist, you regain 90% of your balance during the first month or two post-op and the rest in 6 months to a year. I am now just over 12 weeks post-op and doing great.
Wishing you all the best,