Yippy! I have a surgery date! Wait, doesn't it seem wrong to be celebrating going in for brain surgery?
Regardless, November 13 is my day. Relief! Get this thing out of my head and let me get back to my original abnormal state!
I'm confident with my docs here in Salt Lake - Dr. Frank Warren the neurotologist, and Dr. Mark Reichman the neurosurgeon. I'll be at the new Intermountain Healthcare hospital, which doesn't thrill me much, but oh well. My brother had a HORRIBLE experience there in April in the post-surgery ICU, so I'm hoping they've improved things since then.
If not, hey, at least we know what to expect and I'll have enough family around to make sure I'm not forgotten like my poor brother was.
Thanks to everyone here for all the help, support, knowledge, and fun. You guys rock!
Andrea (walking away shaking my head because I'm actually EXCITED for brain surgery)