Now I know I'm getting old and I had one of those AN things, but I feel like I am repeating myself. Is this what happens when all that brain stuff gets loose? It's so confusing. But I'll do my best.
Nestor from Buenos Aires is having AN surgery tomorrow. I know I said that he was going to have it a few weeks ago. But it didn't happen. It was postponed due a sore throat. Please keep us posted Nestor and have a very successful surgery.
On Tuesday, Nancy Drew is having GK surgery in Denver. I guess this is a follow up since I could have sworn that she had surgery a few weeks ago. In any case, best wishes Nancy.
On Wednesday, Rivergirl is having a 4 month follow-up MRI. May is the tube thing go quickly and not be annoying and may your MRI be spotless.
And lastly on Wednesday, Melissa778 (formerly known as Daydreamer) is having a GK at Beaumont Hospital in Royal, Oak Michigan. For those of you who don't remember, Melissa had a translab back in the Spring. Her AN was wrapped around her facial nerve. Rather than disrupt her facial nerve, her surgeons decided to leave a portion of the AN and zap it with a GK. For those of you facing an AN surgery, this is something you might want to discuss with your surgeons prior to surgery. Hey Melissa, best wishes. May this be the end of that thing. Please let us know the results.
And that's this week in the AN world. I do hope everyone is enjoying the Fall. I know I am. Have a great week.