Ok, since Jim is steering clear of the girly issues, I'll just add that the steroids they give you after surgery can actually bring on your period. Very common. That doesn't make it any less annoying, but it is normal.
I'd also suggest going with the Colace (there are store brands out there that are cheaper). It's very gentle but does the trick. Much better than going too long without any movement down there. Sorry, I'm trying to phrase that tactfully.
Sounds like everything is par for the AN course. I hope the headaches go away quickly!!
We all knew you'd get through it okay! Hope tomorrow is even better!
Oh, and Boppie had mentioned in one of her posts about Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash for dry mouth. Works great! If the regular supermarket doesn't have it, I'd imagine the drug store would. Just be careful swishing the mouthwash if you have any weakness around your lips - gets messy!
