I am trying to word my appeal very carefully. I have a statement (that I am working on still) that says something to the effect of it appears discriminatory that a cochlear implant is covered, yet a BAHA isn't when both are considered hearing implants/prosthetic devices, not hearing aids.
Jim, you are correct that they have attorneys on staff and don't care a bit to muscle the consumer if they have to. I believe they have already consulted legal in my case, because the reason they denied the BAHA has changed several times. I was to have a peer to peer review with my doc and theirs, and their doc did not show. They said he was "very thorough" which in my head means he was consulting legal to figure out how to handle this and what angle to take.
They finally emailed me links to part of their site regarding cochlear implants and BAHAs. I had to go under provider information (like I could have found it on my own
) and do some searching...quite a bit even with the links provided. It seems my dear old insurance company is not up to date on BAHA info (like I am surprised about that) deems it experimental and lists another maker of the BAHA, not Cochlear America. It appears the initial policy was written in 1974 (when I was in jr. high school) and has been updated as recently as 8/08. I was told they could not send me anything in writing as the policy guidelines/criteria are "constantly changing" Now that's reassuring.
Like Soundy, I will keep fighting. And Soundy we all know insurance companies will never commit to what they will pay, and how much. Some doctors will write off anything over usual and customary. Hospitals usually don't.