Thanks to everyone who responded. The good news is that I'm not alone. The other good news is that 36% of those that were 8-20 months post-op had it, while only 19% of those 56-68 months post op had it. Perhaps it will get better or go away after 4.6 years..*sigh* For now, I just go on with being able to create songs in my head and chuckle while others wonder what I'm chuckling about.
For those that were curious about my job situation (not the best time to be unemployed), things are as busy as ever. I've stayed on with the new company that one of the owers of the last company started. I'm busy "tearing down" the old company's equipment while "building up" for the new. I took a 50% pay reduction, but hopefully it will only be for the short run. We don't have very much income coming in, but we all hope that will change soon. We're begining a new campaign with mail for one dealership tomorrow and a campaign on the web with Motor Trend next week (it's manual now, but we're working towards it being a more seamless thing for us, but that's a month or so away). Both have the potential to be really big for us, so we're hopeful. The good news on that front is that I've had the opportunity to be intimately involved in ALL aspects of the company (marketing, technology, how all the pieces fit together, etc..) rather than sticking to only IT. If nothing else, I can pad my resume a bit with everything that I'm doing. The downside is that I get home at 7:30-8:00pm every night and I'm working tirelessly it seems for half the pay I'm used to. And, the new company is working on getting us benefits (like medical, which I want and need) which hopefully will be very soon because I have an appointment with the doctor who did my surgery in about 3 weeks.
I'm going camping this weekend with my daughter and the group that I'm the "Chief" of.. We're REALLY strong, and that makes for a busy time too! For example, our group is taking 18 dads and 30 girls (ranging from PreK - 3rd grade) for a total of *48* people! Did I mention that we're cooking a group dinner Saturday night and group breakfast Sunday morning for everyone? I'll see if I can get some pictures to share, because it's a sight to see with as many people that are with our group.
On the AN front, things are going swimmingly. Aside from my "gaze-evoked tinnitus" (or whatever it is), VERY slight facial weakness still, and my bad a$$ scar (that you can see because I keep myself bald or almost bald by choice) you'd never know I had surgery. I still have a LITTLE bit of balance problems primarily at night, but nothing really to write home about. For all intents and purposes, I'm back to "normal" living a very productive, happy, yet VERY busy life. The SSD still takes some getting used to, but I'm managing that. All in all, life is finally good on that front again. Thanks to everyone who has provided me support, kind words, information and has followed me through the ups and downs of my journey. I would have gone crazy mad without all of you. So, thank you!
More later.. I think that I've said enough for now..