Hi to all,
I have been keeping a low profile while I sorted things out, but after much prayer and deliberation and a visit w/a neurosurgeon, I will be having my "craniotomy" here in Houston at Methodist Hospital. I saw Dr. Trask yesterday, and he agreed that what I probably have is a petrous meningioma. I had a great visit w/him and decided that I would stay here to have it done. I will have a much bigger support group if I stay put. and I know that Trask and Vrabec have treated others on this forum. Whew! In 5 weeks I have my turn. Guess that makes me an official pre-postie, doesn't it?
I am still completely symptom free except for the tinnitus and a feeling of fullness. I am grateful for that because I have been able to go about the business of teaching school. I am a little anxious about the surgery now that I know for sure when it is, but am tired of living in uncertainty, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I got my orders for no ibuprofen 2 weeks before the surgery, but what really got me was the no alcohol. What? No glass of wine w/Thanksgiving turkey? The fourth grade class I have this year was described by their Kindergarten teacher as her "2 glasses of wine a night" year. They haven't driven me to drink yet, but how long do I have to wait after the surgery before we can enjoy a celebratory drink?
I know I will have a million questions to ask before Dec. 10, but I definitely know where to go for answers!