Larry, I'll bring a pinata to the party, and then you can, without a blindfold, beat the living daylights out of the thing. That'll make you feel better!! Seriously, I am sorry you have had a tough row to hoe lately, and I wish you all the best with this latest thing that came down the pike. It's not fair, but that's that whole, "life is like a box of chocolates" deal, and none of us knows what we are going to have to deal with in our lifetime. And no, it's not the worst that can happen, but this is the worst that has happened to you, lately, this year, this decade, this whatever, and have every right to be down and depressed and sad and mad and everything that you feel right now. It's your God given right to raise your fist at the Fates and say, "Why Me?" Then, you try to deal with this, like we all do, one day at a time.
My son is going through a divorce, a foreclosure, a bankruptcy, and he just moved in with us, plus his dog, and then he sprained his knee quite badly at the gym and tomorrow we will find out if he has to have surgery on it, or if it's healing on it's own. He's 35 years old and starting over. The good news is that he works for UPS and he's a Teamster and he has good insurance and he won't lose his job or anything. Not the same as what you are going through, but, for me, I'm feeling the stress of this and I keep saying, One Day At A Time, and we'll all get through this. But, the anxiety is there, that's for sure.
I wish I could say something that will make this all better and to help your wife deal with your medical problems, and that's they only thing I can think of is to deal with this a day at a time and not get overwhelmed with the future. Today is all you can do. Get through this day and then we'll deal with tomorrow when it gets here.
Take care, Larry, and God Bless You,
Sue in Vancouver WA USA