Hi Kim,
I'm one of those people who rarely got headaches, even with my AN. I had retrosig surgery in June. The headaches began about 3 weeks after that.
Initially, they confined themselves to my rignt side (AN side). The pain usually begins at the neck resulting from neck strain. So I watch what I put my neck through.
Now, the pain spreads to the entire head, but oddly enough, I find the AN side headaches more debilitating because those spread from the neck all along the right side to the temple, where I get a sharp and throbbing pain. Sometimes, the pain goes past the temple to the right eye. It feels like my eye will fall out of the socket from the pressure.
After my surgery, I was sent home from the hospital with a bottle of Tylenol with codiene, but have been able to get along with otc Tylenol. I do have to take 1000mg 3+4 times a day. If I don't take it right before I go to bed, I'm sure to wake up in the middle of the night with a headache (possibly from neck strain).
I've mentioned in another discussion that Tylenol and my heating pad are my new best friends because they have helped me manage my headaches. It's not very often that I get a headache that lasts more than 20-30 mins. As soon as I feel the pressure in my neck, I turn on my heating pad and apply heat to my neck.
I like to consider myself lucky because my headaches are manageable and haven't interfered with my job or activities when I'm out and about. They seem to occur most often when I'm at home.
I tried weaning myself off the Tylenol but found my neck straining more often and resulting in a headache.
Not everyone gets headaches after surgery, and hopefully you won't either. I wish you luck in making the best treatment choice for you. And, I hope this info is helpful.