Greetings to all,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Especially MALegant,,,,, My day is finally here. I am now in Los Angeles for surgery for my tumor. MALegant
( MARCY ) and me are a little different. We were diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuromas. They are similar to AN's but these are pressing on our Trigeminal nerves. Just for ha ha's go to WIKIPEDIA and look up TN's. They are the tumors from hell and are referred to has suicide tumors because of the facial pain. I will be at St Vincent Hospital and my Dr Brackmann is """"THE MAN ! ! from the House Ear Clinic. He also rermoved my Acoustic Neuroma in 2004. My surgery is for Thursday 7:30 AM. I am scheduled for 24 hrs in ICU and about 4 days as in-patient. Then I need to stay in Los Angeles area for about a week befor I return to my home in Portland Oregon. I want tgo thank all of you for your advice and care and especiallly for all the wonderful gifts you brought to my pity party