As someone who heartily agrees with Mark Twain's philosophy regarding strenuous exercise - "
Everytime I feel the urge to exercise, I sit down until it goes away" - I still very much admire those who run fairly long distances as a hobby and are usually the more fit because of it. When folks like you, who are not only over 50 but AN 'survivors', do this on a regular basis, I'm even more impressed, even if I don't desire to emulate you folks. Fortunately, God has blessed me with good health (well, except for the AN that reminded me how privileged I am) and while I'm sure running would benefit me to some degree, I don't feel the need to take it up at my age. To echo Mark Twain once again:
"I am pushing sixty. That is enough exercise for me". Well, I'm 'pushing' 66, so I think I can safely borrow Mr. Clemens' philosophy for the duration.
I'm sorry to learn about your loss of dexterity that has so severely impacted your ability to draw, write and even play as you once did. However, I admire your resolute and practical reaction to these losses and your determination to continue playing, even with the hearing and dexterity deficits you endure. I hope your plane trip to Florida is smooth and uneventful and that your visit with your girlfriend goes well. I 've enjoyed our conversations at the AN brunch (at Maxwell's) and I'm pleased to learn that you're doing quite well and offering your AN experience (the losses and the victories) to encourage others who may find themselves in a similar situation, post-op. I know this is easy for me to say - but I wouldn't be overly concerned with your recent weird feelings of head pressure, lightheadedness and tinnitus intensity. I suspect these were transitory. Besides, your recent 'clear' MRI is validation of the tumor's absence. Of course, anything can happen but if nothing is showing on your MRI, I have to assume there is no re-growth and your recent symptoms are probably not directly AN-related. Of course, what do I know? I'm just an uneducated former Disc Jockey. Enjoy Florida and the reunion with your girlfriend - and thanks for posting.