Hi Kerri,
I am sorry to hear you are having so many troubles. Argh.
It occurs to me that you need a good night's sleep. Between the jaw clenching and the noises, you don't seem to get a chance. I think I would focus on getting something that would allow you to sleep well, whether it is over the counter, a prescription, or whatever it takes. Sleep is probably the best treatment for all those noises; it won't make them go away, but it will reduce them. Fatigue always makes tinnitus worse. There is not much to be gained by describing your noises to doctors; as far as I know, there is no cure for tinnitus, other than trying to get your brain to ignore it.
I have been a jaw grinder for some years, and find that using a night guard does help. When I wear it at night, the jaw muscles are more relaxed the next day, and less likely to grind away the next night. Both tinnitus and grinding are cyclical: they interfere with sleep and comfort, which in turn makes them worse, so they interfere more, etc. You have to try to break out of that cycle. I notice my tinnitus far more in the evening than in the morning, because I am getting tired again. So if you can break the cycle using pills, you can get back to a well rested state. Your body can heal better if it is well rested, so it is worth the effort.
Taking Xanax for anxiety should also help soften the tinnitus, and is probably a good idea, at least until you can sleep better. If you need to, don't be shy about seeking an anti-depressant to help you through the blues, either. Anyone in your shoes would understand why you might be experiencing some depression.
I don't know which of the medical conditions you describe can be addressed and which can't. For some of them, the best treatment may be getting healthier and better rested, and hoping that time will take the edge off. Various kinds of therapy may help specific issues, such as physical therapy for balance; a pain management or headache clinic for head pain; facial nerve and muscle therapy for the face.
I hope you decide to stick with it, that you find some ways to make it all more tolerable, and that you have a chance now and then to enjoy some good moments. It may not be as much fun as it once was, but there is still some joy left in your life that you have yet to experience.