Hi, Rose - and welcome, although I'm sorry that you have to confront an acoustic neuroma, but here you are and I trust you'll continue to find the site and forums useful.
As has been pretty firmly established by this point, the choice between surgery and irradiation to deal with your AN is really a personal decision based on a multitude of factors. One can find good reasons for each approach. Obviously, radiation is non-invasive and eliminates some of the possible risks of surgery, such as infections and CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) leaks, but it is far from risk-free. due to the fact that critical cranial nerves are still vulnerable and can be affected, leading to headaches and other complications. Frankly, as I often warn newly diagnosed AN patients: there are no guarantees. If either surgery or radiation were a slam-dunk success with no negative ramifications, every AN patient would naturally choose that treatment and there would no longer be any choice to make. For better or worse, that simply isn't the case.
We always suggest that you order and read the ANA literature, as
Jan (
'leapyrtwins') suggested and generally try to educate yourself on AN surgery as well as radiation in order to make an informed decision. We also suggest consulting with more than one doctor and certainly consult with a doctor that performs radiation as well as microsurgery. Unfortunately, as
Jan corrected noted, some physicians are a bit biased in favor of what they know and prefer, leading them to offer skewed viewpoints regarding the approach they
don't prefer and possibly confusing the patient - you.
We're not doctors and can't dispense medical advice but we're here to inform to the best of our collective and individual knowledge, as well as support and encourage you in any way we can. Please stay connect here and feel free to ask anything.