I'd like to chime in on hearing aids also, since i wear one in my non-AN ear. The whistling (or feedback) is caused by air circulating around the soft plastic dome that fits in your ear. Those domes come in different sizes and you usually you can't tell that you even have them in if they are the smaller ones. I have been happy with my soft plastic domes, even the larger one, until recently. My audiologist told me that to get better word recognition I would have to up the power. However, to do that I would have to have hard plastic earmold made for my ear. Those would block all air going thru, eliminating any whistling. However, my ear would feel "plugged", but I'd hear much better. I haven't done that yet, but think I will have to. Everything sounds very mumbled on that ear since I found out about my AN. Since it's my nonAN ear, I wonder if it's a mental thing? Anyway, Steve...does your ear feel really plugged since you use the hard plastic piece?
Mine is also digital, with the little piece that fits behind the ear.