I have a funny story about Larry if anybody wants to hear it. Actually, I already told it on his thread. <snicker> I'll make a deal with you, dude--you keep those pics to yourself and I won't divulge any more details.

We did visit my cousin in Glendale for Thanksgiving while we were out there. MUCH nicer area!!!!!! Still wouldn't want to live there though.

I'm scheduled to get an eye weight put in next monday. It was either then or wait until Feb, so I decided to go on and try it. I can almost shut my eye, but only by relaxing and letting my other eye shut too. How do I drive if I can't blink?? I'm going to be like the bionic woman with all the metal in me (I also have a rod in my shin bone).
Ya'll ought to see my ponytail right now. I got tired of hair in my face and decided the Fam could just deal with my half-bald head. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I got a BAHA done at the same time, so they shaved a bunch more hair. Ugh! I almost chickened out when they told me how much hair they had to take, but then they gave me some Really Good Stuff and I didn't care anymore. LOL