Congratulations on selecting a surgeon and facility for your surgery. This decision is one of the more difficult parts of the AN journey and it's always good to be past it and have confidence in your choice.
I suspect that preparation for surgery is usually over-emphasized a bit and really consists in enjoying the time ahead as much as possible, eating well and attempting to maintain your health and strength. I had very little time to 'prepare' for my surgery and was underweight. I did fine and was home in less than 5 days. I recuperated within a few weeks and things have been all positive since. I put it in God's hands and fully trusted my doctor so there was little for me to 'do'. I took nothing special to the hospital and didn't need much (O.K., I'm a guy). What little I needed my very supportive wife brought or obtained somehow. I do urge
all AN patients , especially those undergoing surgery, to have an advocate, before, during and after, if possible. Whether its a spouse, sibling, parent or friend, you really need someone with you as much as possible, looking out for your interests. My wife was with me every step of the way. She didn't leave the hospital for 3 days (she slept in the nurse's sleep area, after my surgeon told the nurses to accommodate her). I deeply appreciated her presence, even when I barely knew she was there. I fully believe that her attention was a benefit to me in many ways and certainly lifted my spirits.
I believe we've covered the various approaches on telling children about your AN and surgery. My only child was an adult (27) at the time of my diagnosis and surgery so I have no credible personal experience to offer but I think '
Pooter' and others have given some solid advice. Of course, a parent understands his or her own children better than anyone else so I'm sure you'll employ your understanding of your children to decide how best to handle this with them.
I wish you a successful, complication-free surgery and a rapid and total recovery.