Hi, Dawn:
Unfortunately, there isn't a precise time frame for recovery from AN surgery, including the ability to safely drive again. I was given permission (by my neurosurgeon) to drive, two weeks after my surgery. Other AN post-op patients have been able to resume driving even sooner. However, some need many weeks, even months to recovery sufficiently enough to safely drive. Post-op, some have a 'woozy' feeling when turning their head that is very distracting and an obstacle to safe driving. Others have real problems with vision and of course, if you're SSD (Single Side Deaf), this poses another problem. Fortunately, most of these issues almost always resolve in time (hearing loss can be the exception) and are surmountable with practice and determination. The tough part is that no one can predict exactly what, if any, issues you might encounter, post-surgery and how long your primary recovery period will be. For some, it's a few weeks, for others, a few months and some fall in between or take even longer. It's frustrating for the AN patient considering surgery because it opens a door to the unknown, and no one likes going into something as serious (and usually necessary) as AN removal surgery without at least having a fairly firm idea of what to expect. Still, I would be lying if I told you that you would likely be driving again within 4 to 6 weeks. Based on the averages, that is a reasonable expectation. However, as there isn't much that is 'average' about recovery from acoustic neuroma surgery, I have to add the caveat that your
mileage recovery may vary from the average. Let's hope that it is in the extraordinary range.