I really didn't have panties on my head - I just thought that I did. The morning after surgery, Dave had gone to get us settled where we would stay for the rest of the week b/c they said they were releasing me soon. Of course, right after he left, the residents or whomever came in. They wanted to change my bandage, but the when the Dr. asked the nurse about that stretchy guaze stuff to put back over it, she said they didn't have any - the only thing they had like that was some panties that they give women after having a baby. Since I couldn't hear well (SSD & bandage) and couldn't see at all b/c I couldn't fit my glasses over the huge (both sides) bandage, I thought they said I DID have panties on my head. When Melynn walked in, the 1st thing I blurted out was, "I have PANTIES on my head!" I will try to post the picture...I think I kept Jan's PM with the instructions! I will warn you though, I look BAD!!