I too experience the sharp pain spikes you have described. I would have to agree with you, your neuro might be a hack. I too was seeing a hack and he couldn't understand why I was experiencing so much pain. The ENT I was seeing was also useless. From what I understand neurosurgeons only operate, they do not treat symptoms or pain. I am on lots of drugs like you, neurontin, toradal, effexor and ativan. I have been off on disability since April of 2008 because of the sharp pain spikes, headaches, ear pain, facial pain and concentration issues. I also was on topamax for awhile with little or no relief. I work for a Credit Union. When dealing with peoples money one needs to be alert, pain free and refreshed. Fatigue is most debilitating when combined with headaches, facial pain, sharp pain spikes and chronic sinuses congestion.
There are many wonderful caring doctors out there, seek a second opinion or third. There are many experts here on this forum who have helped me. Continue to post, inquire, comment and ask questions. I personally think we on this forum have more knowledge than any doctor, since we are living day to day with this.
Anne Marie