Hi Jan, I could have written your letter just 6 months ago. I am a nurse and also come to the conclusion of an AN after research on the net, and process of elimination regarding symptoms. My hearing was terrable in the left ear and have mild unsteady feelings most of the time.My tumor was 1.7cm. I elected to have the translab procedure as my hearing was not worth saving. The nurse shaved about a one inch section from the fromt on my ear to the back. I have long hair so it has always been covered up since. My surgery was 3 and 1/2 hours long. I woke up after they moved me to the ICU and boy was I hungry. Lots of people, as you know have nausea after surgery, but I didnt. The nurses were kind enough to give me ice chips, but I wanted Chinese food something awful...I did take IV pain meds for the first 24 hours. I had pain in my neck and shoulder, from laying in one position for a long time . Not terrably uncomfortable, but helped me rest. I tend to get hyper after surgery, so I remember my husband coming in every hour to check on me.They finally told him to go to his room and let me sleep. Rules you know... The next day I was moved to the regular surgical floor. The dressing is funny looking. I looked like I had a Christmas bow around my head. My vision was alittle blurry and some numbness on the operative side of my face. I was on the surgical floor for 3 days then transferred to the after surgery hotel, where family can stay until discharge. Since we had to fly home we stayed a total of 9 days after the surgery and flying was not a problem. Post-surgery was as they said. I was very tired, and worked on balance exercises daily. I was told that if you have balance issues before surgery, you have already had your brain working to figure things out.It's alittle easier than for someone who didn't have balance issues before surgery. I went back to work 5 weeks post op and have been good ever since. No facial problems, mild dry eyes, and of course adjusting to the hearing loss. Hasn't been a major problem at this time. Tough in loud places like resturants..I feel great, don't think my stamina is 100% yet, but pretty close. Balance is still off some, and hope it continues to improve with challenges. Walking helps.I know how scared your are and the waiting is just awful . I'm very pleased with my decision and more importantly the choice of Dr's I went to. It's important to have MD's who do this a lot. If I can be of any more help to you feel free to e-mail or we could talk over the phone. Sincerely, Julie