It's a BB, someone shot me in the face when I was a kid and I never realize it was actually in me. I guess I was a fool for not realizing that it was inside of my face. I saw a doctor about it, and he was telling me I need real deal general anasthesia to have it removed, and I'm scared to death of having surgery.
Yes, you're right, without a working MRI, I cannot know for sure. But the doctor was operating under pretty much an assumption that I have one. It's been a really long time, I had some other test, I completely forget what it's called, but he said the results didn't look good, but honestly, that might have been for something else, maybe just general hearing or the prognosis that I will lose more hearing, or if the tinnitus was going to stop. I'm not very good about keeping medical records. I would leave them in my car, and my car got stolen so I lost everything that I had.
Would a CT scan be of any benefit? I could do that though I'm not a big fan of lifetime doses of radiation in a few minutes. Then again, I'm not looking forward to having surgery just to sit inside of the MRI coffin thing. It was a nightmare inside of it.