First of all, I thank everyone for sharing their stories and I wish you the best of healing. This forum has helped tremendously! My name is Greg and I'm 32 years of age, I received the bad news on Tuesday. My ENT received the MRI and told me I had an AN in the left ear. He said it was very small. He did not tell me the actual size, is he supposed to? Wait for the surgeon? The ONLY symptoms I am having is the lost of high frequency tones. I have great balance, and can understand vocabulary at 95%. I feel NORMAL other than the hearing. I have not seen any surgens yet but I am going to OSHU in Portland Oregon for futher consultation. I live in Corvallis Oregon, I also plan to send my files to the House in Cali., that is super cool that they will give a free consoultation over the phone. I don't know yet what treatment options are for me because I don't know the details of my case yet, which is nerve racking,(literally)! I've read about all the treatment options in the last two day's and I am freaked! I don't want to do the surgeries everyone seems to be recomendeding, I don't want radiation, and I don't want to wait for it to grow. What a pickle! I did just read the post about Jared, Endoscopic Surgery, yes it's still sugery but it seems to me that that would be the best possible treatment for a AN. The risks
seem to be considerbly lower than the other procedures. That would be my logical choice, I guess. I am confused beyond words. If anyone knows anything about OSHU AN surgery team, please let me know what you know. Anyone that knows about the endoscopic procedure please let me know. I have researched non stop since the news, Iv'e learned alot on the web and this forum. Iv'e read all about the other procedures to treat AN's, but this is the first time I heard about Endoscopic. To tell you all the truth, I am some what RELEIVED that this option is on the table. Why isn't Endoscopic treatment more talked about, it seems so much better than anything I have come accross, so far? From the responses that I have seen here, I am totally asuming this, that some people did not know about Endo treatment was even a option and if they knew, it might have been on the table for them? For me I live in Oregon and have state insurance, I don't know if I can just up and move to Cali to qualify for aid, for Endo treatment, I don't have cash to pay for all this. Does anyone know if Oregon has Endo treatment? Does anyone know patment options for someone who does not have insurance? I'm feeling like I might be stuck with a treatment I'm not confortble going into.... Money,money,money sucks!
Some feelings: I am strong most hours, then it hits me, then I break down and freak! My wife,family and friends are very suportive and all of you seem to be very heart felt people and I really hope all is good with you, you have my prayers. I just feel like my life has flipped upside down and with a three year old son I'm scared to death what will my outcome be? What kind of quality of life am I going to have? I'm going to try to beat this with all my spirit and soul!!! for now I continue my reasearching and i am glad to have found all of you! i really think I should take a break from the reasearch, I am now over loaded..... Maybe watch a movie or something. well blessings to everone. Greg