Back to normal.
There's a party at Stanford tomorrow (Monday). Dr Chang is doing a double-header. Not sure which order they're going in but Tisha and NE Farmwife are both having CK's at Stanford. And, Debbie L is having a 6 month post-CK MRI -- and she may be going back to Stanford to have it. So best wishes to Tisha and NE Farmwife for successful CK procedures. And may your MRI be a clean one, Debbie.
Then on Tuesday, Kathy M from Ohio is having a Retrosig at the University of Cincinnati. Best wishes for a successful surgery, Kathy. Also on Tuesday, Connie (connie3245) from Texas is having a Mid Fossa in Anderson, TX. May the surgery be great. And in case you didn't know, Connie, there are a bunch of ANer's in the Houston area -- Brian, Priscilla, and Brenda to name a few.
And finally, on Saturday the 17th, the Captain of this crazy venture is having a six year AN anniversary! Happy anniversary, Capt Deb!
That's it for this week. Hope everyone has a great one.
Time to run off to watch the Steeler game.