hey all! it's still kristin...good news! WE HAVE THE MAGIC SCARF!!
i had to run back home last night to pick up a few things, and it was on our front porch as i was walking out the door! Her face lit up when i surprised her with it this evening.
Tonight is the first time i am spending the night with my mama in the hospital. she is still in a significant amount of pain. she doesn't want to get up and walk or eat. we are all being very patient with her because it is her decision, but she is just as stubborn as a mule and i wish she wouldn't dig her heels in! hehe
i don't tell her this of course, i'm just venting because i want her to eat and walk more. but as i've been told by a previous post (you know who you are
) "this is not a race, it's a marathon". so she is taking things at the pace at which she feels comfortable. her double vision has gone away, but she is still dizzy and balance is off.
well i have to wrap this up, the wireless connection here isn't that hot
thinking of you all! just thought i'd give a quick update...i think we are coming home tomorrow!! keep your fingers crossed!
talk to you soon, and hopefully my mom will be taking over and posting her little heart out! she will have lots to share
now i'm going to sit here and think of something clever to do with the magic scarf...hmm....letting the creative juices flow!
lots of love,