Hi, Dawn,
You ask if anyone ever feels normal again following AN surgery. I had translab rather than middle fossa, but I began feeling normal (or at least 99.9%) at about the 5-month post-surgery point. Extreme fatigue was my only post-surgical issue (hearing loss was my only pre-surgery symptom), and it improved steadily over time. I was certainly out and about and totally back to my regular routine well before the 5-month mark, but I believe it was between the fifth and sixth month that I actually didn't think about my AN much anymore and was "full speed ahead." I think most would agree that the whole AN journey is very individualized, so it's probably wise to avoid too many generalizations. It's also good to remember that not every AN patient posts on this forum, and I do think it's safe to assume that many of the non-participants have excellent surgical outcomes and good recoveries.
I didn't discover this forum until about six months after my surgery -- I had recently gotten my BAHA processor and was looking around for commentary by BAHA users who'd had acoustic neuromas (other BAHA forums I encountered seemed to concentrate on conditions other than AN-related BAHA use) -- and was really amazed at some of the stories here. I was equally impressed with the support and encouragement everyone displayed.
I felt like a total slacker in the AN world after reading many of the accounts of all the pre- and post-surgical issues folks were facing, and, again, really awed by the courage and pro-active attitudes that were so evident. I'm not sure that I could have been that brave. I concluded that there must be quite a few AN survivors like me -- who really never felt bad nor experienced any pain while they were in the hospital, even in the ICU; had no problems with dizziness, nausea, double vision, etc.; cleaned their plate at every meal; were able to watch television and read a lot in their hospital bed; slept comfortably through the night; and who, other than simply needing time to recover from the physical effects of a lengthy and complex surgery, pretty much cruised through things -- and these patients just never have had an inclination to search out a forum such as this one.
I gather from your post that you're considering House, but not particiularly leaning in that direction. I had an excellent experience there and cannot say enough good things about the staff, hospital, etc. But as you've seen on this forum, there are many excellent places in the country for treatment, and the most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with your final decision.