Larry -
I don't kinow the details of your story, but that sounds like a lot to carry around even if you are good at the brave face thing. I'm glad the board gives you an outlet and source of support. It sounds like you have family and friends that care about you too.
For close to the last year I have focused on getting a correct diagnosis, researching treatment options, and that putting it all in gear. Even though I knew that the goal was tumor control not cure, it wasn't until when people started asking me about my prognosis that I realized I didn't have a "good" answer.
At this point I am not spending too much time worrying (but apparently I'm spending some or I wouldn't have made this post in the first place). The odds are with me and even if I am one of the unlucky ones, I figure I bought some time. Treatments will continue to get better, hopefully faster than any regrowth.