Jen -
I'm one of those who mentioned metallic mouth, but I should have elaborated a little.
Originally post op, before I had metallic mouth, I had taste bud "issues". Everything I ate tasted horrible and "out of whack". I recall trying popcorn and all I could taste was intense salt. YUCK!!!

The worst part was chocolate tasted terrible

Somewhere along the line I also developed metallic mouth - where everything actually had a metal or metallic taste to it.
A colleague recommend I take zinc and said it would solve the taste bud and the metallic mouth issues.
Both of these lovely issues left me in time (I still don't know if I can attribute that to the zinc or not) and I am none the worse for wear. In fact, it was quite nice when everything tasted strange because I stopped eating a lot of stuff and lost some considerable weight. Alas, once my taste buds returned to normal that went away

So, hang in there; you are definitely
not crazy! This is normal and it should get better. Patience, patience, patience.