Hey Laura and others
I will have to print it off for a more detailed read but would agree with the basis of Jim's summary.
I had just asked the EXACT same question last week to my ENTs. I have been craving research that compares radiosurgery to conservative mgmt. It will be interesting if my ENT team (widely published as pro-conservative AN mgmt) provides the same research or hopefully more independent research on the outcome. The research I have read fully supports the basis of the article, in particular for the small intracanicular tumors (so not even small, medium or large tumors in the CPA - the purely ICA tumors) as watch and wait rarely shows any growth for the intracanicular tumors (so very specifically located tumor).
I admit I laughed quite hardily when they made the comment about no longer using 'actuarial' estimates in radiosurgery research. I can't say I understand the basis for using actuarial estimates in medical research - I am an accountant, and understand actuarial estimates in financial statements - despite being rather flawed at times, in general, makes good sense - medical research doesn't make any sense and makes me much less confident wrt to radiosurgery research. I like Jim suspect that these radiosurgery research papers have their own agenda. What happened to unbiased research? Interestingly, this is all about tumor control - and I believe the research shows that high doses of radiation control tumors quite well - but really kill the hearing. Thus, if tumor control is similar (or not significantly different) at mega high doses of radiation to doing absolutely nothing for small intracanicular tumors ... which would you chose. You do lose hearing regardless of your choice - but perhaps at a different rate.
Nevertheless, thanks for the research - it will point me in a few new directions. I will come back to visit this thread if my ENTs provide any similar research on the effectiveness of radiosurgery versus watch & wait. Mine responses will be very swayed to the intracanicular crowd, as I too have an agenda!