Yeah, Angie, you are on a roller coaster now. And you want to yell, "Stop the world, I want to get off!" Women pay a heavy price for being able to bring life into the world, and raging hormones is one of them. I'm sure you will find something that will even things out for you and bring you gently back down to level ground. My only other thought is that maybe you need a spa day, or a quiet weekend away with your hubby if that's possible. Not that that will solve your unchecked hormone levels, but it might contribute to achieving some evenness in your life right now. Also, consider some meditation/prayer time. In one of the newspaper's comics that we have,
Rose is Rose, she goes out to her "let it be tree" and leans on it when she is stressed. Maybe you need a tree! And meds!
Hang in there, kiddo. Things will be better soon.
PS I had my first child without any difficulty whatsoever, and then I had two miscarriages very early on and there actually was no fetus, so something went wrong right away. I've heard that this happens more often than people think because it's so early that the woman doesn't really realize she was even pregnant and just has a heavy period. The last one was harder on me because I was a little further along and I did have a viable fetus, but I also had fibroid tumors as I found out, and that was not a good combination to have a successful pregnancy. I lost the baby the weekend after I found out I was pregnant. Soon after, I had my hysterectomy, and that was the end of that. I never dreamed I'd have that much trouble since the first one was uneventful and resulted in a healthy baby. The irony to all of this is that one of my hobbies is genealogy, and my divorced 36 year old son has no children, no girlfriend, nothing very promising on the horizon, and I am seeing my little twig on the family tree withering slowly in the breeze, and I fear that I will have no descendants. It just saddens me greatly and I would so love to be a grandmother. Yeah, it could still happen, but I didn't think I'd be clear up in my middle 60's or later before a grandchild would come into my life. Well, as we all know, things happen to us that we hadn't counted on, or anticipated. AN's being only one of many unexpected and disappointing bumps in the road.