I was just diagnosed with an AN last week. It is 5.2 x 4.6 mm. My ENT referred me to Dr. Jeffery Vrabec at Baylor Medical in Houston. I live about 3 hrs away in Louisiana. I met with Dr. Vrabec yesterday. I would just like to put out here some of the things he told me and see if anyone was told similar things and what their outcomes were.
My symptons began in August. I woke up one morning and could barely hear out of my right ear. What I could hear was very tinny like it was coming from a broken speaker. That lasted a week and my hearing returned to normal. But I was left with ringing in the ear. That is what got me to the ENT and an eventual diagnosis. Dr. Vrabec said that it was most unusual for my hearing to return, that once it goes it usually doesn't return. That no matter if this thing stops growing or continues to grow, I can again awaken and my hearing might disappear and not come back.
The news that really disturbed me the most yesterday was that in his opinion because the tumor was located so close to the cochlea, that any surgery that might be done early while it is small to save what hearing I have, would in all likelyhood fail to save my hearing. In his opinion that surgical option is out. Also, in his opinion radiation to save my hearing would likely fail because the radiation would probably damage the cochlea (because it's so close) and I would still lose my hearing, just not as fast as with surgery.
Therefore his recommendation was to wait a year and get MRI's at 6 mos and 1 year to monitor growth. If it is growing, he recommended to take it out surgically, the surgery behind the ear where you know you are going to lose your hearing. Although he said I could wait awhile on surgery since in his opinion I will lose my hearing anyway. By waiting and watching, I will keep my hearing the longest.
Has anyone else had a AN near the cochlea?
I was more hoping for better news, especially about keeping my hearing. This is all so overwhelming. If I survived Hurricane Rita, I know I can get through this, but it is a little too much for me to handle right now. Any recommendations or thoughts would be appreciated.
This is a great site!!