Author Topic: Ear Draining  (Read 11017 times)


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Ear Draining
« on: February 18, 2009, 12:56:06 pm »
I mentioned previously that one of my post-op symptoms was a very clogged feeling in my ear on the AN side.  Over the weeks, the general trend has been for a less clogged feeling, feeling clogged less often, and slowly improving hearing.  That's all somewhat consistent with hearing tests I had done at the 5 week point that suggested that my bone hearing was better than my regular hearing. Even though Dr. Smouha coud not see any fluid issues, he said the fluctuation of the clogged feeling and the bone  hearing test results were consistent with fluid being in there somewhere that would eventually dissapate. In the last few weeks (about 3) I have a new symptom almost every day.  When I wake up I'll often have no clogged feeling at all. I can be like that for several hours, then all of a sudden I get clogged up. Nothing new there except that right after that I actually feel like something is draining into my ear (fluid). I can feel the moisture deep in there. It feels like I got some water in my ear in the shower or something.  I'm not sure if whatever was clogging me up is finally draining out faster or whether I have a slow leak or something and have had that all along. I'm a little concerned, but I otherwise feel fine. I'm scheduled for a follow up MRI tomorrow and then will set up some appointments with Dr. Post and Dr. Smouha, but I'm wondering in the mean time if anyone else has experienced this. If not, perhaps I should try to move up my appointments to get examined. I don't want to ignore a slow leak, but I don't want to be paranoid either.  When I was examined at the 5 week point Dr. Smouha was very pleased and said that he thought the probability of a leakage at that point was infintisimal. Any thoughts?

1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 03:21:21 pm »
I would recommend you call your doctor.  I developed a CSF leak from my ear a couple of days post-op.  I had a second surgery to repair the leak and a few days after being discharged from the hospital, felt as if my ear was leaking again.  I went back to the hospital for more tests (scan and ear exam) and there was fluid, but it wasn't CSF and the doctor said it would dissipate, which it did. 

Hope it's nothing but post-op junk!



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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 03:45:44 pm »
The things is, I am over three months post op.
1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 04:00:37 pm »
I would call your doctor if there is fluid coming out.  I had fluid coming out of my ear and it ended up being CSF leak.  I had surgery 4-08-08 and the leak happened in July.

An surgery 4-8-08
lumbar drain 4-22-08
csf leak repair 5-30-08 7-11-08 10-6 -08and 10-24-08
BAHA on 10-24-08
university hosp in Cleveland
Dr Megarian and Dr Selman


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2009, 04:11:00 pm »
There is no fluid coming out of my ear. It feels like there are a couple of drops of fluid deep in the ear. It feels like when you just got out of the shower and some water got in there. It's also not constant. Sometimes the feeling is there for an hour or two and then it goes away for the rest of the day.  I have my MRI tomorrow. Maybe I should call him after that.
1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2009, 04:27:18 pm »
Hey, Wayne...don't have any words of wisdom for you - just wanted to stop in to say "hi" and I do hope it's nothing serious you're experiencing.  I will note, however, that over the last week or so I have noticed my ear feeling "fuller" than it has since early on post-op.  And my tinnitus is quite a bit louder.  No dripping, though, so doesn't sound like your situation, but just thought I'd commiserate a bit with you.  Again, I do hope it's nothing of concern.  How are things w/ you otherwise?

Let us know what the MRI and doc find,

rt side 1.5 cm - Translab on 11/07/08 Dr. Friedman & Dr. Schwartz of House Ear Institute,
feeling great!

"Life consists not in holding good cards, but in playing well those you do hold."  Josh Billings


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2009, 04:53:02 pm »

For awhile, I felt like my dizziness when walking and active was starting to improve a bit, but then I had a couple of bad weeks. It's hard to pinpoint what could have caused it, but I had a few nights where I didn't get enough sleep. Maybe that was it.  Yesterday I felt a little better.  I've also noticed that the more time I spend on the computer, the worse my diizziness is when I walk around or go outside right after that.  I actually feel better when I work because I spend so much less time on the computer during the day.

I think I'll get my MRI tomorrow and then call Dr. Smouha. I'll let him know what I am experiencing with my ear. I'll let him make the decision for when I should make an appointment.  I was due sometime in early March, but maybe he'll push it forward. I also have to see Dr. Post after the MRI as soon as I can get an appointment.

On a positive note, despite the dizziness/wonkyheadedness, my balance still seems to be improving a little in ways I can measure.

One of my exercises is to stand heel to toe or on one leg with my eyes closed. A couple of weeks ago I could barely last a few seconds before having to grab on to something to prevent myself from falling.  Now I sometimes last 20-30 seconds. Sometimes I still lose it quickly, but it's definitely improved.  I am also walking a little better heel to toe while looking side to side. It's still tough and I lose balance frequently, but it is improving. I just wish the better overall balance would translate into less dizziness. I don't do any running yet, but I ran across the street yesterday (didn't see a car coming). I made it fine, but I think I would have a great deal of difficulty playing tennis like you.  I could probably physically do it without falling, but I think the running would make me so dizzy I wouldn't enjoy it for more than a few minutes and would want to stop.

Have you tried any physical therapy exericises like I described to see what you can and cannot do?



1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2009, 01:02:45 pm »
I agree with Karen.  Only an exam is going to reveal whether it's a CSF leak or something else.   

Good luck!!!



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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2009, 05:17:08 pm »
My MRI results were sent to Dr. Post and DR. Smouha and they showed nothing unusual.  I scheduled an appointment to see both of them on Tuesday March 3rd where they will be able to examine me and look at the actual MRI films (which I have). 

Today I also called Dr. Smouha and told him that I've been feeling like I have water in my ear at times during the day. He said from the symptoms I described it wasn't very likely to be a CSF leak, but it could be, so we have to check it out. He said unless I have other symptoms like a headache, liquid running out of my nose or the surgical area, salty taste etc... waiting a few days until next week should be OK. However, if anything else happens to call right away and they'll take a look at it.   

I really hope it's not a leak. I've been feeling pretty good this week otherwise, but the stress of worrying what's going on has been tough on me. Someone say a prayer for me. 

At least my other health issues are OK.  I had my annual checkup with my urologist for my kidney stones yesterday. I have one small one that doesn't need to be treated. Hopefully it will pass on it's own. So I'm good to go until next year. All tests perfect. I've been struggling with stones for a few years. We did a lithotripsy to get break up two of them and the 3rd passed while I was in the hospital recovering from AN surgery.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2009, 05:22:47 pm by wcrimi »
1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move

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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2009, 05:26:52 pm »
At my 5 month post op appt. I was also feeling like my ear was plugged up a little, and wondered if it could be due to the sinus issues I had delt with before my appt. Doc looked at it good, asked if I had had a cold recently, and I replied no, but told him of the sinus issues. He said there was a little fluid in there, but wasn't concerned.

Good luck with your appt. I know for the first couple of months I stressed about a CFS leak big time (but that's my nature.  :()

9mm x 3mm Left Side AN
Mid Fossa Aug. 21, 2008
Dr. Gantz / Dr. Woodson
Univ. of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
No facial issues, hearing saved, I keep active and feel back to normal.


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 08:56:49 am »
I'm glad that you have been in touch with your doctors and that you have been feeling pretty good.  Take it easy and let us know how you make out next week.  It's normal to feel stressed out, but it sounds like your doctor doesn't think it IS a CSF leak.  Here's hoping it isn't and know that a lot of fellow ANer's are rooting for you!



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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2009, 05:33:30 pm »
I just got back from my apppintments with DR. Post and Smouha. My MRI result was perfect and I don't have a CSF leak.  ;D

They aren't quite sure what I am feeling in that ear, but there is no fluid.  Also, my hearing test showed improved hearing and voice recognition. 

Both doctors feel that my dizziness should continue improving in coming months. Dr. Post was more optimistic in terms of timing and end result, but both agreed I would get better than I am now.

I am cleared to participate in any activities I like and don't have to come back for another year.

All in all this was a great day for me.  ;D
« Last Edit: March 04, 2009, 07:03:11 am by wcrimi »
1 cm, 6mm, 4mm on Left side. Surgery performed 11/6/2008 by Dr. Kalmon Post and Eric Smouha at Mt. Sinai Hospital in NYC.
Normal hearing before, 85%-90% now, dizziness when walking or turning head, annoying hissing and high pitched tinnitus on and off, eyes have trouble adjusting to rapid head move


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2009, 07:40:25 pm »
Great news!  I'm sure that makes you feel much better.


Diagnosed 12/16/2008
AN 2.4 X 2.0 X 1.6 CM
surgery performed on 1/27/2009 Mt. Sinai Hospital, NYC
Dr.Bederson & Dr. Smouha
9:30am thru 5:50pm


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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2009, 08:10:17 am »
Great news!  Enjoy!!



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Re: Ear Draining
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2009, 09:15:51 am »
Good news, Wayne. Every AN patient deserves to have a day they can call "a great day." Glad you had yours!

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.