Author Topic: A question about balance and how quick it improves with alot of rehab?  (Read 4027 times)


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My Father just had a 4.5 cm Acoustic Nueroma removed last thursday at the university of Virginia.  The doctors said the surgery was huge success.   He was released today but sent to a rehab center for 10 days due to his balance being off.  He cant got to the bathroom without assistance.  He is very discouraged right now. I think he expected a quicker recovery.  We all have explained to him it will take time.   The question I have for other patients with this surgery was when you went home were you able to the bathroom and get a drink on your own, or did you need assistance?  He thinks he never going to regian his balance, I know that is not true.  Thats why we opted to send him to rehab, it will bring him along quicker.  Just wondering some thoughts on when you got home where you able to go to the bathroom on your own, things like that.   



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Re: A question about balance and how quick it improves with alot of rehab?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 06:18:48 pm »
Hi Pooge. I was in rehab for 8 days post op. I was able to go to the bathroom alone before I left the hospital. I used a walker at first. My rehab worked alot on my being independent. I did have a shower chair and always needed something to stable myself in the beginning. But things did get better, I got stronger and became more determined to do it by myself.

Definitely talk to the rehab people and share your concerns. They will help him! God bless the pt's and ot's!
Surgery June 3, 2004, University Hospitals Cleveland, BAHA received in 2005, Facial Therapy at UPMC 2006


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Re: A question about balance and how quick it improves with alot of rehab?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2006, 07:20:58 pm »
Hi Pooge,

I was in the hospital for 8 days and needed assisstance to get to the bathroom.  When I came home I had someone walk with me during the first few days.  Going up and down the stairs my family made sure someone was with me.  It was kind of like when a small child is learning how to walk and you hover over them.  My 12 year old son made the comment that he thought he'd be a lot older before he had to walk with me.  :-)  I also went to therapy 3 times a week. After being home for a week I was able to get around fairly well.   My determination to be independent again was helpful. 

I'm 5 months post-op now.  I can walk anywhere by myself.  I can even run if I want to.  Tell your dad that he will regain his balance again with practice.  These things require patience.
translab on 3.5+ cm tumor
September 6, 2005
Drs. Friedland and Meyer
Milwaukee, WI
left-side facial paralysis and numbness
TransEar for SSD


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Re: A question about balance and how quick it improves with alot of rehab?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2006, 08:01:09 pm »
How old your father? (at 40, I needed a walker for the first couple weeks) .... then a slow walk .. then stairs ...
everything took time .. at 8 weeks I did return to work .. (Office job, were I sit most of the day)

PT would will help speed up the process at little .. take walks around the house .. then a few houses away ..then the block ....
next thing you know your up to 1 mile or more ! I praticed spinning in the yard like a skater!!! (at night)

My surgery was in Aug ... today I walk aound work and no one can tell .. but I still fail a DUI "walk the line" test... I'm not
perfect yet...I may never be ..  but its good enough!! ... now if I only get movement back in my lip ...  :-\
4 cm AN/w BAHA Surgery @House Ear Clinic 08/09/05
Dr. Brackmann, Dr. Hitselberger, Dr. Stefan and Dr. Joni Doherty
1.7 Gram Gold Eye weight surgery on 6/8/07 Milford,CT Hospital


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Re: A question about balance and how quick it improves with alot of rehab?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2006, 08:45:54 pm »
He is 66, his AN was on the left side and when he came out of surgery, his face slumped.  But its already back to normal.  The Dr said the other day it was near perfect.  The only other thing his his voice, its like he talking out of one side of his mouth.  We can undersatnd him fine, and today it sounded alot better,  Is that from the nerve being weak?  the doctor says there was no nerve damage whatsoever.   any way his spirits were up today he said his balance felt really better.   I think he really bum about being in the hospital for 5 days, and now stayning in Rehab center at UVA for another 2 weeks or so.  But we all visit all the time and its the best, we want to better quickly as possiable and we thought this would speed up the process.  I just have to say everyone on this board is great.  I really appereciate it.  Its helped me alot :) :D ;D


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Hi, this is sunshine16, I had my surgery back on November 15.  Stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks.  I need assistance on going to the restroom, feeding myself, shower, name it I needed it.  Good thing my husband is around to support me.  I expected a fast recovery also.  For me, natural healing is better.  I went to Physical and Occupational Therapy, in some way it helped but I think I did it more in my own getting stronger.  I was sent home with a walker.  few days after, i tried to walk w/out it and that's it.  little by little didn't need it anymore.  But now, I'm trying to get stronger mentally, I guess because of all the trauma my head had experienced.......  Good luck to your father.  Just tell him, to take it one day at a time.  And pray! pray! pray! 


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Pooge, a tumor the size of your father's can be difficult to deal with, even potentially life-threatening. If your father is already out of the hospital and his face is nearly back to normal and his balance is improving, he should consider himself very fortunate. It sounds like the surgeons really earned their pay when worked on him. If the remainder of his recovery goes so quickly he'll be back to doing what he does in no time! Good luck!
1.8cm AN
December 13, 2005
Shands Hospital--University of Florida


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Pooge, I do not have post-op stories to share but please let your dad know that he is not alone, many going through or have gone through the same experiences as him and we are all  cheering him on to a quick recovery! G-d speed to him and let's get him home!

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Just to let everyone know my dad is doing better, he is 3 weeks post op.  He is suppose to go home from the rehab hospital at UVA next week.  His balance has improved greatly.  Plus he has really had no pain, accept for tonight had eye pain. Also he is up and walking around some, not to well on his own.  But when he has his walker he can go anywhere and do almost anything.   He still impatient about it, but we tell him it takes time.  Also had his follow up with his nuerosurgeon Dr. Helms and he said his recovery was going very well and everything was healing correctly.  Only thing that is bothering him is his vision in his left eye is blury, but the DR says it will get better over time.  Plus its hurts him some time.   But all is going well for what he had done and we all couldnt be any luckier. ;D