Our situations are very similar, if there is such a thing with AN's. I had a similar sized AN on my right side, I'm a 39 year old male, married, no kids. It was removed 1/16/09 with translab, by Dr. Kartush at Michigan Ear institute.
My recovery was nothing short of remarkable; Out of the hospital in three days, I was at work (desk job) in two and a half weeks, full time in three. I was able to again pursue my passion, downhill skiing three weeks to the day! I hope you have a similar recovery. If your doctor has you doing any eye excerises, make sure you do them. Go into this with a positive attitude, set goals for your stages of recovery, and have a great support systme at home.
There will be fatique, nothing you can do about that other than listen to your body. Single sided deafness isn't that big of a deal, it's a little fustrating in resturants, etc. but overall it's not a big deal. I know you'll do great!
Feel free to contact me with any questions, good luck!