When I was first diagnosed with NF2, I spoke with Dr. Friedman at HEI and Dr. Spetzler at Barrow Neuosurgical Associates in Phoenix. HEI recommended translab (my tumor was large, but my hearing was perfect), but Dr. Spetzler was willing to use the retrosigmoid approach in attempt to preserve my hearing (I was a middle school band instructor). I chose to go to Barrow and at least try to save some hearing. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I have since gome to HEI and had the remainder of that tumor removed using the translab approach.
If I had to do it again, I would still try to save my hearing first, especially since I have a large AN on the other side. To me, although having 2 surgeries was tough, it was worth a try. Dr. Friedman also talked to me about a middle fossa decompression surgery. Basically, some bone is removed that allows the tumor to grow away from the brainstem and nerves in hopes of preserving hearing for a longer period of time. I am not sure that any non-NF2 patients would be interested in such a treatment. I decided that I didn't want to do it.
My doctors at HEI used both the fat-pack and a titanium plate for my translab surgery.
I hope I have said something that helps,